好氧细菌甲烷的合成 2021-12-31
Timescale of reduction of long-term phosphorus release from sediment in lakes 2021-12-23
长江流域地表水中微污染物的挑战 2021-12-09
Data-driven framework for spatiotemporal characteristics, complexity dynamics... 2021-12-03
水生植物在富营养化热带浅水湖泊中的重要 2021-11-19
Nonlinear pattern and algal dual-impact in N2O emission with increasing troph... 2021-11-12
亚洲高山冰川的健康和可持续性 2021-11-08
Increasing probability of record-shattering climate extremes 2021-11-02
利用季节气候预测湖泊和水库的水温 2021-10-29
The changing characteristics of phytoplankton community and biomass in subtro... 2021-10-25
全球超半数河流存在断流 2021-10-08
Differences in the temperature dependence of wetland CO2 and CH4 emissions va... 2021-10-04
极端气候异常加剧富营养化太湖蓝藻水华 2021-09-28
Water level as the key controlling regulator associated with nutrient and gro... 2021-09-22
富营养化湖泊浮游植物水华对温室气体排放通量的影响 2021-09-09
Glacial change and hydrological implications in the Himalaya and Karakoram 2021-09-03
长江与鄱阳湖交汇处的水动力、泥沙输移及形态特征 2021-08-30
Eutrophication decreased CO2 but increased CH4 emissions from lake: A case st... 2021-08-23
湖泊沉积物长期磷释放减少的时间尺度 2021-08-09
Overriding water table control on managed peatland greenhouse gas emissions 2021-08-03
水位波动调节湖泊-水-沉积物界面磷的有效性和扩散动力学过程 2021-07-29
The impact of glaciers on mountain erosion 2021-07-23
亚热带浅水湖泊浮游植物群落和生物量的变化特征 2021-07-12
Widespread deoxygenation of temperate lakes 2021-07-02
近100年黄河年输沙量和径流量的变化 2021-06-29
Uncovering process domains in large rivers: Patterns and potential drivers of... 2021-06-20
1960-2019年长江流域极端降水变化及其与全球变暖、ENSO和局部影响的关系 2021-06-15
Changing sources and processes sustaining surface CO2 and CH4 fluxes along a ... 2021-06-09
河湖连续体中浮游细菌群落的空间和温度模式 2021-05-28
Climate and Nutrient-Driven Regime Shifts of Cyanobacterial Communities in Lo... 2021-05-20
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