青藏高原典型湖泊上空云洞观测及过程认识 2023-09-19
Increased heat risk in wet climate induced by urban humid heat 2023-09-12
温带池塘和浅湖夏季溶解二氧化碳和甲烷的时空变异性 2023-08-29
Evolutionary emergence of alternative stable states in shallow lakes 2023-08-14
北极冰封湖泊的氧气损耗及沉积物呼吸研究 2023-07-30
Resilience patterns of human mobility in response to extreme urban floods 2023-07-24
全球径流降低程度很可能比之前预计的更严 2023-07-19
Nutrients and not temperature are the key drivers for cyanobacterial biomass ... 2023-07-03
森林土壤反硝化作用气态氮损失的温度敏感性 2023-06-19
Characteristics of methane emissions from alpine thermokarst lakes on the Tib... 2023-06-02
表层氧化亚氮的产生抵消了生物泵的碳封存 2023-05-18
Recent intensification of wetland methane feedback 2023-05-02
大型浅水富营养化湖泊蓝藻水华期间磷富集和硝化之间的相互作用加速了氮的相对缺乏 2023-04-08
Global patterns of water storage in the rooting zones of vegetation 2023-04-03
卫星观测揭示全球河流水域变化热点区域 2023-03-09
Environmental variability in aquatic ecosystems: Avenues for future multifact... 2023-01-03
1950s以来全球湖泊系统生产力演替格局及其浮游植物群落控制机制 2022-12-29
From the water sources of the Tibetan Plateau to the ocean: State of nutrient... 2022-12-13
长江流域的鄱阳、洞庭湖:干流雍水阻碍了支流湖泊宣泄 2022-11-29
Organic carbon quantity and composition jointly modulate the differentiation ... 2022-11-23
全球水生生物入侵的社会经济学考量:损失低估但水质提升了? 2022-11-19
Water depth and transparency drive the quantity and quality of organic matter... 2022-10-24
关于湖泊面积与最大深度关系的理论 2022-10-08
Effects of climate change and nutrient concentrations on carbon sources for z... 2022-09-13
支流长度放大了河-湖关系的影响 2022-09-09
Spatial and temporal patterns of heavy metals and potential human impacts in ... 2022-09-02
微生物过程对太湖流域农业及城镇河流N2O的间接排放作用明显且影响显著 2022-08-19
Buffering effect of suspended particulate matter on phosphorus cycling during... 2022-08-02
全球陆源碳经溪流返回大气圈过程中水文的重要性 2022-07-30
Spatiotemporal characteristics, influencing factors and evolution laws of wat... 2022-07-22
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